This is our core business and main expertise.
We operate with most information gathering techniques.
We focus on four main key points in all of our fieldwork:

Our team is made up of highly qualified professionals who conduct research with passion and enthusiasm. You will definitely enjoy working with us.

The quality of recruitment of the participants is a key factor for the success of the research, and our recruitment team brings together some of the best experts in Brazil.

Our team uses a full-range of tools and technologies, that impacts positively in getting the meaningful insight faster.

We deliver customized solutions for all your research needs. We aim at a high standard of service to make our work valuable to our client’s business.
Here, you will find an overview of our information-gathering techniques.
We take advantage of this presentation to immerse you in the Brazilian universe through some clichés that are part of the Brazilian consumer’s life.
We focus on four main key points in all of our fieldwork:
Mainly used to gain an understanding of reasons, opinions, and motivations.
Mainly used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviours, and other defined variables.
Mix of various ways of data collection, data analysis, and more!
Take full advantage of an access online panel for B2B and B2C research.
This is a big part of our work. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Recife…We cover the whole country to look for the best insights.
Bulletin Boards / Online communities / MROC
It is a flexible and adaptable method that is useful in a range of study problems. Our moderators and analysts particularly appreciate it as it enables us to revisit and deepen the points of interest at will and allows us to feed our ideas. It is possible, for example, to use tools, such as WhatsApp, to interact with the participants at the salespoint, during their meal, etc.
The potential variations offered by this methodology are particularly numerous. An example of that is the in-home placement of fresh products.
Focus Groups / Mini Groups
This is the safe bet. It is undoubtedly the method that guarantees the greatest proximity and spontaneity. The results of the groups generally go far beyond expectations. A gifted and experienced moderator can take the group far beyond the declarative to study the unspoken and the subconscious. Note that Brazilians react particularly well to the so-called « projective » techniques.
All the rooms we use are equipped with streaming video, which allows us real-time monitoring and interacting with our teams from anywhere in the world.
In-Depth interviews
In-depth interviews are always an excellent source of information as they allow us to explore even the most complex processes in greater depth. The moderator plays an important role. The moderator must enable the interviewees to feel comfortable and confident to share their information and feelings.
This method is particularly useful for B2B studies, where the thinking and decision-making processes are usually more complex.
Ethnographic immersions
We love this method. Ethnographic research allows us to explore consumer behavior in depth by following their daily routines. We dive into consumers’ lives to observe and interview them in context, so we can see things through their eyes and gain a holistic understanding. That leads to greater empathy, which helps our clients to put the consumer first when making business decisions.
This technique has a very wide field of use: The use of a new shampoo concept, the purchase of airline tickets, planning trips on online platforms, etc.
Shop Along / Accompanied shopping
We use several methods of observation and engagement with shoppers in the store in order to better understand their motivations and behaviours during the purchase process. From accompanying pre-recruited buyers on their visit to the store to approaching new buyers for on-site interviews, our moderators provide detailed insights on the buyer’s journey.
This is also a big part of our work. Home Use Test, Sensory Tests, Sniff Tests…We are familiar with these methods
Hall Test / Central Location Test
It’s a great way to create a controlled environment to conduct market research. It’s very useful for sniff tests and sensory testing for example. CLTs make it possible to view the participants’ body language and facial reactions. This observational data could be of crucial value for some projects.
Usually, we conduct our CLTs in the center of São Paulo. If the Incidence Rate of the target is high, recruitment of the participants could be done by street-intercept. and the costs are very attractive.
In-Home Use test / Concept use Test
An in-home use test involves participants evaluating products in their own homes, or more generally, in a natural usage environment. The purpose of the test is to make an evaluation of a product after more experience with it than just some initial use.
This technique offers a particularly wide field of use. It’s possible to call the participants again to delve deeper into certain aspects.
In-store is a research technique used to gain insights from shoppers in a retail environment. It involves talking to shoppers at the moment of purchase. In-store approaches are a great way to get to know your customers and even your competitor’s customers. While in-store intercepts are limited to shorter interviews compared with accompanied shopping trips, they allow you to obtain insight from a larger sample, and more importantly, access consumers who are in ‘real-time’ shopping mode. What was the trigger for visiting the store, what did they buy, how was the in-store experience?
In the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) surveys, the interview is conducted via telephone by interviewers. This method ensures a high quality of data collection. CATI is also suitable for geographically dispersed targets or for B2B targets as it is possible to plan the interview based on the interviewee’s availability.
In the CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interviewing) surveys, a link is sent via email that the respondent proceeds to complete independently. It is possible to share visual and audio stimuli. People are autonomous in completing the questionnaire and can do so at a time of their choice and take all the time they need to respond.
Some projects need specifics approaches. We provide methods that will allow us to achieve the goals.
Gang Research / Group Interview
This is a nice way to get qualitative and quantitative answers with a mix of a self-completed questionnaire and moderated group discussions.
Usually, 20 – 30 participants are invited to a facility and participate in topical discussions for 1h30- 2h. This methodology is highly effective in testing product concepts and developing a marketing strategy before new product launches. It’s a quick way to test and gather immediate feedback.
Secondary Data / Desk research
In contrast to primary research, secondary research – often also simply called “desk research”- uses only existing secondary data – information collected for other projects or purposes. Secondary data can be both qualitative and quantitative, including market research reports, trend analyses, customer data, academic research, and so on.
It is a good way to get an accurate idea of the target market before starting ad-hoc research.
Data Analysis
The data analysis technique utilized will depend on the design of the study and the type of endpoint being utilized for the measure of the primary objective. Common data analysis techniques are tests of proportions for differences in binary data. Most often the data analysis technique will be determined by a statistician during preliminary planning of the research.
Our team facilitate rounds of imaginative exercises designed to inspire creativity, stimulate different modes of thinking, and look at the consumer insights in new ways to produce fresh ideas. Activation workshops allow our client to internalize the research and translate insights into business strategies. Each session is custom-designed to be a hands-on facilitated workshop that allows participants to truly empathize with the target consumers and their needs. Strategies and ideas are then generated, sparked by research insights. This allows the research to live on and become more valuable to the organization.
Very useful for some projects, especially when we need a national representative sample.
Online Panel: B2B / B2C
We provide access to a fast and easy gateway for data collection. We manage B2B and B2C communities. We offer both custom interactive communities and online access panels.
We have powerful candidate databases. Our recruitment team makes personal contact with all participants. This way, we are sure of the quality of our fieldwork. That is the best way to have happy customers.
You’re in good company